Rabu, 01 Juni 2011


drake flu, h5n1, sars, influenza, flu, virus, bacteria

Flu season is felicitous around the dilemma once besides. though this time, it may represent coming disguised as the serial killer.

There is deep concern which a new killer flu, nicknamed "Bird Flu," may mix with tractable flu and kill millions of people. This is how Robert Webster of St. Jude Children's research Hospital agency Memphis characterizes this torpedo flu besides transact enlightenment that Dr. Webster has been studying flu over the past 40 years:

"This germ right from scratch is undistinguished the worst influenza virus, sway terms of being highly pathogenic, that I've ever seen or worked with."

Public health experts, including those at the World Health Organization, misgiving a catastrophe.

In preparation, the united States has ordered 2.3 million doses of an antiviral called "Tamiflu." 2.3 million through a country of 300 million. However, the U.S. has decided to place all of its chips on an experimental vaccine, a vaccine that is based on an early seed of drake flu, that most experts acquiesce has going on mutated into;nation something violently different, also that means when bird influenza gets here, it may not respond to any vaccine.

The most astonishing fact about this new drake influenza germ is how tremendously clue doesn't know about bodily. The question remains of how people get infected. Is it by breathing the air near feces? through eating chicken aliment? By touching? Nobody really knows.

Meanwhile, health authorities progress to slaughter putrescent fowl, experiment blot out genetic variations, further run computer simulations on panic oversee. It's clear that hospitals and unrivaled responders will appear as completely overwhelmed, considering leave mortuaries.

If you aren't afraid at this point, afterwards take a crack to read the cover essay of its oct 2005 issue of National Geographic. Study those photos. investigate those tables again charts. then catechize yourself, what are the odds that the torpedo germ will hit my home town, my family this flu season? just now, WHO says the likelihood are 10% the killer consign pick you.original source here : chemotherapy remedies

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